Unveiling my Voice; Echoes of resilience

Unveiling my Voice; Echoes of resilience

My word is my voice,

so when I speak I release echoes,

Too powerful to be stopped,

Too loud to be unheard,

Too staggered to be rugged.

My voice bounces with high intensity of sounds, that even a 5 star rated bouncer is unable to protect himself from the diffused sound inhibiting my concise words.

My voice accords like a magnet attracting arrays of attention guarded by angels of unimaginable realms.

I speak not withholding the fear I know might perhaps be unleashed in a greater possible outcome of rage.

I speak with enormous authority, that even the one's with authority are grasped with awe of my profound enigma.

I Listen, I speak, I write.

This are my 3 staunch musketeers I use in the face of unwavering battles to avoid an inevitable defeat.